The Legend of AngelPoop
TON’s Holy Sh*tstorm From on high, the gods watched memes fall from grace. They summoned their most joyful angel, sent down in the form of AngelPoop to bring the lost meme spirit back to Earth. And so, TON was chosen as the sacred ground for this meme revolution. Together, we’re building the ultimate holy sh*t cult, making TON the meme capital of the universe. Join us and let’s take $APOOP to the stars!
No tax
Contract renounced
Liquidity locked
Supply 1T

How to Buy

Wallet Setup
Download MyTonWallet or wallet of your choice, and create a wallet

Load Up $TON
Add some $TON to the wallet so you can swap it for $APOOP

Swap your $TON for some $APOOP, and confirm the transaction

Seize the Opportunity
Embrace the crypto community and seize your opportunity for wealth
✔ Idea & Inception
✔ Team Building
✔ Memecoin IP registration
✔ Flush to earn mini-game
✔ Partnerships and $TON event hostings
✔ AI Agent launchpad on $TON
✔ Token Generation Event
✔ Multi-chain integration
✔ Defi products like $TON bridge
✔ Adoption based products like bridge, polymarket etc.
Our Team

Uncle Sam

